About Our Committee

Our major objective is to help students develop environmentally conscious decision-making skills and sustainable behaviors on a daily basis by teaching them about environmental ethics.

We want to enhance the following aspects of our school community’s quality of life:

  • Uniting as one team to enhance the school’s internal environment and jointly establish future objectives;
  • Providing pupils with the freedom to voice their opinions and participate autonomously in the school community;
  • School community: strengthening ties between non-academic employees, educators, learners, and school administration;
  • Building cooperative relationships by exchanging credentials and experiences with regional, national, and worldwide educational institutions;
  • Involvement in local politics and school administration as well as school-related activities.

We are dedicated to helping our students and the school community feel more accountable for protecting the environment. Through the implementation of the school’s environmental policy, we help to build a sustainable future.

School Environmental Policy

School environmental policy refers to the school’s responsibility for environmental laws, regulations, and other political mechanisms.

By being part of the community:

Our projects can provide:

Our progress is to build people’s minds about the importance of greening the environment.


We believe that our team will gain the attention of students, teachers, administrative staff, non-teaching staff, parents and the local community and contribute to making environmental culture an integral part of school life and culture.


We develop the ecological awareness of our students and turn the school territory into a real educational laboratory through experiential and project education. Of course, our actions have a positive effect on both the physical and mental health of students.

SFS Eco-Committee Structure

SFS Leadership Council

Abrorjon Sadriddinov

Committee Advisor

Munisa Akbarova

Committee Secretary, Speaker

Mirzog‘olib Tokhirov

Moderator of Promotion agent

Bositkhan Haydaraliyev

Moderator of External Cooperation

Mentors Of 7 Steps

Project Mentors

Orifkhon Husanov

“Green Campus”

Ahmadjon Anvarov


Behruzbek Abduxoliqov

“Green House”

Nigina Abdubannoyeva


Temurmalik Nuritdinov

“NamPS Gambit”

Muhammaddiyor Olimjonov


Muhammadnosir Ismoilov

“Kelajak va O’tmish”

Laylo Shokirova


Mashhura Hoshimova


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